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Brown Library: eBooks and Audiobooks

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Through the MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection, we have access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks.


You can use OverDrive or Sora to access the collections on any connected device. OverDrive and Sora both work as browser-based applications and have Apple/Android compatible apps.


Sora App Icon

1. Access Sora through a browser or download the Sora App.

2. Click Find My School and select any school with the MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection heading.

3. Select Newton Public Schools from the dropdown list.

4. Click Sign in Using Newton Public Schools.

5. Login with your and password.

Check out our complete guide to Sora!

The Destiny Collections below highlight titles that are available in print in our library and in audiobook form in the Massachusetts Commonwealth eBook Collection. These lists are a work in progress, and icons with a grey background are coming soon!

Download the Destiny Discover app

Our library currently has a collection of about 40 audiobooks you can download

  1. Access Destiny Discover through a browser.
  2. Log in with your LASID and password.
  3. Browse the audiobook collection and check out any available title. Once you've checked it out, go to your Bookbag and listen to it there. 

Remember, your book will automatically disappear from your device after 3 weeks.

Sora Public Library Access

Borrow audiobooks, movies, or music with your Newton or Boston library cards

  1. To create an account, click Sign Up and search for your library (either Newton Free Library or Boston Public Library).
  2. Enter your email address and create a password, then enter your public library card number.
  3. Browse the collection and download an audiobook. 

Remember: Hoopla limits you to 10 downloads per month. The good news is that no title is ever checked out and unavailable. All books are available all the time!