Summer means it's time to grab your beach blanket and snuggle down with a good book, magazine, or audiobook. Anything you read or listen to during the summer keeps your brain in shape for the season. |
New Kid is available to borrow without a wait through Hoopla. All other required and suggested titles are available to borrow in Sora.
Through the MLS Commonwealth eBook Collection, we have access to thousands of eBooks and audiobooks.
You can use OverDrive or Sora to access the collections on any connected device. OverDrive and Sora both work as browser-based applications and have Apple/Android compatible apps.
*If using the OverDrive App, use the following steps to enable signing in with your NPS login:
Android - OverDrive
1. Go to Home menu > Settings.
2. Enable the option "Sign in using web browser."
When this setting is turned on, users with newer versions of Chrome display the sign-in page in-app, while others (with old versions of Chrome or a different browser altogether) will be kicked out into their (external) web browser to sign in.
iOS - OverDrive
1. Go to Home menu > Settings.
2. Enable the option "Sign in with Safari."
When this setting is turned on, iOS 11 users will be prompted then the sign-in page will slide up, and iOS 10 (and older) users will kicked out into their (external) Safari browser for sign in and then brought back into the app.