Ancient Civilization
General Ancient Civilizations
Ancient History Encyclopedia The world's most- read history encyclopedia. Search by keywords, timelines, maps and more.
Penn Museum Exhibitions Find the civilization you are interested under the Exhibitions tab.
Day Library Pathfinder on Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt for Kids This helpful website provides numerous links that are about Ancient Egypt’s geography, schools, games, and many more with a click away.
Ancient Egypt Online Learn about the important aspects of Ancient Egyptian history and culture by exploring this website.
The Ancient Egypt Site Explore the history, language and culture of Ancient Egypt in this website created by Egyptologist Jacques Kinnaer.
BBC: Ancient Egypt Explore the wonders of Ancient Egypt by looking at this helpful website provided by the BBC.
The British Museum Meet the gods and goddesses! Explore daily life! See real mummies and more with just a click away!
PBS: Ancient Egypt Discover all aspects of Ancient Egypt by exploring this website provided by PBS.
PBS NOVA: The Pyramids Learn all about the Pyramids by exploring this helpful website.
Ancient Greek City-States
Ancient Greeks (BBC Primary History)
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